The last post introduced C.P.E. Bach and his book An Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments. Recap from the last post, C.P.E Bach emphasized good playing requires good fingering, good execution of ornaments, and good performance. C.P.E. Bach's fingerings on scales are most adapted today but he reminds us fingerings vary with groupings and articulations. This post/video continues with his discussion about the execution of ornaments and the requirement of having a good performance.
Possibly the most important source of embellishment in his time, C.P.E. Bach defines ornamnets into two groups: one with notations and the other is fermata.
Possibly the most important source of embellishment in his time, C.P.E. Bach defines ornaments into two groups: one with notations and the other is fermata. To make a good performance, C.P.E Bach points out it is important to listen to music, especially ensemble music and vocal music.
To know more, watch the video below:
English version
Cantonese Version: